EER Max® Energy Recovery System

The questions and answers below are primarily for HVACR Contractors and Engineers seeking detailed information about the EER Max® Energy Recovery System.  Consumers who are willing to “brave” the large amount of technical information are also invited to learn about the attributes, benefits and applications of the EER Max® system.  There are many energy efficient products on the market today, but one must be careful to choose the ones with the best performance from an economic, green/sustainability and high performance point of view.  The EER Max® system is one of the best for many reasons, as explained below.

What does the EER Max® do that is different from standard EER units?

The EER Max® applies the cool building exhaust air through an evaporative process using air conditioning produced pure condensate water to the refrigerant condensing cycle to improve A/C system capacities and efficiencies by as much as 50% or more. A standard EER unit takes the building exhaust air and reclaims only a maximum of 65% of the exhaust air’s energy back into the A/C system (at a 15% make-up air requirement this would result in a total system increase in capacity and efficiency of only approximately a net 10%).  The EER Max® is therefore 5 times the capacity and efficiency gain of a standard EER unit.

Is it true that installing an EER Max® unit on a new air conditioner or heat pump will void the warranty?

This is absolutely not true and is based on a lack of knowledge of legislation that protects the consumer from frivolous warranty voidances by manufacturers. The primary legislation regarding this issue is known as the “Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act.”

How is the EER Max® system considered to be green?

A product is deemed “green” when there is a carbon dioxide reducing energy savings that reduces dependence on fossil fuel.  In fact, because of the increased efficiency of the EER Max®, it reduces CO2 production by an average of over 5 to 7 tons per year for a typical 10 ton roof top package air conditioning unit.  The 5 to 7 tons of CO2 saved is equal to the CO2 emission for a car that consumes 500 to 700 gallons of gas per year.

Can the EER Max® create any operational problems for the A/C system it is applied to?

The EER Max® is engineered for a very low refrigerant friction related pressure loss and the line sizes are engineered for low friction related line loss as well, so that the benefits of the EER Max® are not offset by any friction related operational problems, even when the EER Max® is not operating while the A/C system is operating.

What is the difference between friction loss related pressure loss and heat transfer enhanced pressure drop?

When a HVACR system has a high friction related pressure loss (too small a refrigerant line size for example), even though a pressure drop is seen at the liquid line port, the pressure seen by the compressor is actually higher, while reducing pressure due to better heat transfer actually results in a lower pressure at the outlet of the compressor.  Lower head pressure at the outlet of the compressor results in increased efficiency, whereas increased head pressure at the outlet of the compressor results in decreased efficiency.

Can city or well water be utilized for the water supply to the EER Max™?

City or well water can be utilized ONLY if run through a reverse osmosis water purifying system.  If utilized straight or even through any other kind of water treatment system, damage to the EER Max® can occur.

Can outside air be utilized instead of building exhaust air?

Yes, but the increase in efficiency and capacity will not be as high as with building exhaust air.

How does increased capacity translate into energy savings?

When a system produces more capacity, the run time requirement of a system decreases, resulting in the A/C system being off more of the time.

Will increased capacity from the EER Max™ result in higher humidity from the decreased run time requirement?

No, because the increased capacity comes with an increase in dehumidification of roughly 35% due to a unique reduction in flash gas loss in the evaporator due to the increased sub-cooling of the refrigerant. This results in an average colder evaporator coil, which in turn results in better dehumidification.

What does sub-cooling of the refrigerant do for the refrigeration cycle?

Every degree of sub-cooling results in an increase of system capacity of approximately 1¼%.  This is one of the primary reasons why water cooled (or geothermal) systems are so much more efficient than air cooled systems.

What does de-superheating of the refrigerant do for the refrigeration cycle?

Rapid de-superheating of the refrigerant by means of water cooling results in a lower condensing head pressure and a cooler operating compressor.  Lower head pressure results in lower power consumption by the compressor, and a lower compressor operating temperature results in a longer operating life expectancy for the compressor.  This is another reason why water cooled (or geothermal) systems are so much more efficient than air cooled systems.

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